Page:Doughty--Mirrikh or A woman from Mars.djvu/245

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“Indeed I do, and to me.”

“But will you explain?”

“To you, yes; but not to him, ever. Pity me, George. I am a lost man. I have committed a fatal error. May God send death quickly to my relief.”

“Tell me—tell me all! This suspense drives me mad! Maurice, tell me! I can bear this no longer, my friend.”

“Nor shall you,” he said, speaking very rapidly. “George, prepare your mind for a mystery; a mystery greater by far than any of the many mysteries with which you have been brought in contact since you first met Mr. Mirrikh in the streets of Panompin. George, I have brought a woman back with me from Mars!"

I sprang to my feet, and extended my hands towards him.

“Don't, Maurice! Don’t give way to it! Hold your reason! Don’t allow yourself to think of it again.”

“George, it’s a solemn fact. We are here together. I love her, George! I love her with an intensity bred of the conditions of the planet to which Mirrikh took me, and of which you can form no conception. She is my wife, George. I married her on Mars!”

It was maddening to listening to him, yet I restrained myself. I saw that he must be indulged.

“Well, well, old fellow, if you say so, of course it must be so; but—you will excuse me for asking the question—where have you left her? You will have to admit she is not here?”

Suddenly a sound reached my ears. It was a groan—it seemed to come from behind Maurice. If he heard he showed it by no sign.

“But she is here, George. More than that you have seen her, you have talked with her. George, you cannot comprehend it—it is incomprehensible. My wife is within me. We are two souls in one body. Heavens! Only think of it! If we ever do get home they will clap me into a lunatic asylum as sure as fate. Oh George, George! Would to gracious I had listened to the advice of Mirrikh and been content to wait until death released us both, and we could meet in the spirit world.”

“So Mirrikh advised you against it?”

“He did—most earnestly. You see the time had come when I was to return. They told me it was either that or death, for my body would be destroyed if I delayed longer.