Page:Doughty--Mirrikh or A woman from Mars.djvu/252

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tion is simply an impossible one. There is only one chance for us. The lamas may not have gone for good, but only retreated through the passage on the other side of the rift, intending to return with the daylight and help us across.”

It was but a slender thread to hold to. “This,” I thought, “cannot be why I was told to hope.”

I left the Doctor talking with Maurice, and moving toward the spot where the argols still smoldered, proceeded to stir them up and heap on the few uncharred ones which still remained. Still the calmness was upon me. I had an ill-defined feeling that in spite of the assurance I had received to the contrary, I should see her again.

And as I worked the impression grew stronger and stronger. I found myself looking behind me; actually listening for the rustle of those snowy garments; I could not divest my mind of the idea that she was close at hand.

Was it so?

God knows!

All I can say is—and most positively do I affirm it to be a solemn fact and no illusion—that then as the sense of nearness increased I heard her voice.

“George! Fly to the mouth of the cave!” it said; “death is close upon you! Lose no time! Fly! Fly!”

But why should I have done it when it seemed then as if I had no other desire than to join her beyond the veil?

Surely I was not master of my own actions, for I dropped the argols and bounded back to Maurice’s side.

“We must go!” I cried excitedly. “We must fly! Something is going to happen! There is no time to be lost!”

“Fly the devil!” burst the Doctor. “Where the deuce are we to fly to? Are you going off the handle too, Wylde?”

I certainly was not myself at that moment, for I made him no answer, but seizing Walla, raised her up. She opened her eyes, staring at me stupidly.

“We are going to leave here,” I cried. “Do you hear me? Can you walk?”

“Yes—why not?”

“Keep close to us then. Come, Maurice.”

“George, I can’t walk: You will have to carry me.”

“Nonsense, Nonsense!” exclaimed the Doctor. “One place is as good as another. Calm yourself, Wylde. Nothing but trouble can come of giving away to the horrors of our situation like this.”