Page:Doughty--Mirrikh or A woman from Mars.djvu/256

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This, at least, is my idea of it; but it is only an idea. We were on the side of a mountain still. The whole country seemed to be one vast mountain, broken into ravines and separate peaks innumerable; the newly-formed ravine in which our pillar stood was wider than most of the others—that was all.

Only on the side of the rift, directly opposite to what had before been the mouth of the cave, no change had come. To the right, the left and behind us, the rocks had been torn away by that awful washout, landslide—or whatever you may be pleased to call it; but directly in front was the ledge to which the lamas had crossed, and there, still, the hide bridge lay before what had been the mouth of the passage, now appearing as a natural arch through which the sunlight came streaming, its radiance falling full upon Walla’s upturned face. Walla was upon her knees; she seemed to be praying, but whether to the God of the Christians or the God of her fathers, I cannot tell. That I rejoiced at the welcome sight equally with my friend need not be said.

Moments passed and I did not answer, but remained gazing off upon the sunlit landscape in gloomy silence, for a state of deep depression had succeeded my rapturous enthusiasm. Now I could see no possible avenue of escape; no cause for hope!

“What are you thinking of, George?” demanded Maurice. “You’re as solemn as an owl. Why don’t you act the true philosopher like the Doctor? See how peacefully he is sleeping there.”

It was true. Utterly worn out at last, Philpot had sunk off into slumber, and lay stretched out at full length at my feet; and this when we were expecting every moment to feel the pillar crumbling beneath us and to find ourselves whirling down to an awful fate.

“What do you suppose I am thinking of?” I said, sullenly.

“Of the same thing I was; the morning we met Mirrikh on the tower of the Nagkon Wat.”

“Indeed I was not! I only wish I had never known Mirrikh. I was thinking of this pillar which is all that stands between us and eternity, and wondering if this was the way those rock pillars around the grand cañon of the Colorado were formed.”

“Like enough; but if you love me do brace up, old man.