Page:Doughty--Mirrikh or A woman from Mars.djvu/52

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perience? What was the meaning of this sudden freak?

Certainly I was not master of my own actions when I leaped forward and seizing her bleeding form pressed it to my heart!

Yes, in that moment I must have been mad; though in the days that followed, when memory recalled my ridiculous action, I came to believe that the man Mirrikh was in a measure responsible; that the mere touch of his hand had brought to life some force within me the nature of which I do not pretend to explain. But this is anticipating the outcome of our strange meeting at Panompin. I must return.

The instant I found my arms about the girl I was myself again, and amazed at what I had done.

Love! Why, to me love meant misery—misery pure and unadulterated. I had drank my fill of the fatal cup before this and the draught had sickened me. Almost roughly I pushed the girl back upon Maurice who was regarding me in mild surprise.

“Take her! Take her!” I exclaimed. “She is too heavy for me—I shall let her fall.”

“Take the devil!” he cried half angrily. “Have you lost your senses? What do you mean? You were so anxious to get her, now keep her. I don’t know anything about women and don’t want to.” Angrily he drew away.

But Maurice was not quick enough. Before he could prevent it I had again transferred the burden to his arms, a strange shudder passing over me as I let her go.

“I beg your pardon, old fellow, I—I’m a little upset by all this,” I stammered. “If you can’t hold her why lay her down on the grass.”

“Now that’s more like it,” muttered Maurice. “Here, let the old fellow take care of her—he’s the proper person. Hello there, Doctor! Tell him to look after the girl, will you? I don’t want the responsibility of this.”

“It’s all right. She’s only fainted. I saw that at the start,” replied the Doctor, who had been talking to the old man in Siamese. “She’s his daughter, he says. He’ll look after her, boys.”

The man was at her side in an instant, for be very sure Maurice lost no time in laying the girl down. Hastily bending over her he pressed his hand upon her heart, and then turning suddenly, flung himself at Maurice’s feet, kissing them again and again, at the same time clutching his ankles