Page:Dr. Pritchard turned into a pillar of salt.pdf/7

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Who, though untoueh'd by law of mortals here,
Must all before the Righteous Judge appear.

The life of fallen man, where’er you go,
Is like the river of famed Jericho;
With evil thoughts his wicked heart is fraught,
And all the river of his life is naught;
And, till the salt of Truth Divine is given,
Man is obnoxious in the sight of Heaven.
’Tis that alone can make his life appear
Like that same river when made sweet and clear.

Now, Reader, let me turn thine earnest gaze
On thine own nature, thoughts, and words, and ways.
Thy nature, man, whoever thou mays', be,
Is just as bad as Pritchard's ere could be.
Like him, thou wert coneeived and born in sin, (Ps. li. 5.)
And hast a most deceitful heart within. (Ezek. xvii. 9.)
Thy thoughts, He tells thee who alone can see,
Are only ill, and that continnally. (Gen. vi. 5.)
Thy words and ways are filthy every one, (Ps. liii. 3.)
And there is nothing good that thou hast done.

As in the waters of the famous Clyde
Which through the giant heart of Glasgow glide,
Myriads of minnows may be seen to play,
Whieh hungry seagnlls fish for all the day,
So, in the waters of humanity,
Swim countless thoughts of viee and vanity,
Which, often, some infernal fowl sueceeds
To draw forth into diabolic deeds.
And these, when seen to violate man’s law,

Upon the guilty condemnation draw.