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The man who looks with an adult’rous eye,
Is guilty in the sight of the Most High; (Matt. v. 28.)
And he who hates his brother in his heart,
Has aeted there a murderer's guilty part. (1 John iii. 15.)
There’s powder in thy heart that would explode,
If not prevented by the grace of God.
The seas would overflow onr native land,
But for the mighty walls of rocks and sand;
And thy wild thoughts to wicked deeds would rise,
If not controlled by Him who rules the Skies.

O fellow-mortal, be entreated now,
To this most solemn truth of God to bow,
That sinner is thy most ignoble name,
And thy inheritance, eternal shame,
Because that sin has been thy wretched choiee,
And in it still thy wicked powers rejoiee.
Just as the duck, or speckled, black, or white,
In dirty water has its great delight,
So man, in station high, or mid, or low,
To sin’s foul puddle will be sure to go. (Job xv. 16.)

Now while thy powers of contemplation dwell
On that poor convict in yon dismal cell,
I pray thee to bestow a thought on one,—
A wretched convict few ere think upon,—
I mean thyself, O thou condemned of Heaven!
Thy trial’s past, thy sentence has been given; (Jn. iii. 18.)
For God has said, “The soul that sins shall die,”
And righteousness and truth for vengeance cry.
The attributes of God like jury sit,

And all consign the sinner to the pit;