Page:Dr Adriaan (1918).djvu/171

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remember how I used to abuse the family and deny family-affection and how angry poor Gerrit used to get? Now I'm growing very idyllic and I'm throwing back and longing for the family in the desert. . . . I'm glad that your house has become a centre for the family, Constance. But for that, there would be nothing to keep us together. Oh, it's a melancholy thing to grow so old, lonely as I am! What have I to live for? Nothing. . . . Well, with you, I am still at least a sort of rich uncle, one from whom the children may have expectations: I dare say I shall leave each of my nephews and nieces a trifle. I must have a talk with my solicitor one day. It won't be much for them, but I'll leave them enough to buy a clock, or some other ornament for their mantelpiece.. . . . And your old friend Brauws is back at the Hague, you know. . . . Oh, didn't you know? Hasn't he written? He's sure to soon. . . . I met him the other day: the fellow's grown old. He always had an old face: wrinkles are things that need looking after; they want massage. . . . I used to massage mine, but I've given it up: my personal vanity has gone. As you see, I wear the same tie always. I'm fond of this tie. I have it steamed from time to time: that keeps it fresh. It's a nice tie; but I no longer have such a collection as I used to. . . . Yes, the family no longer cling together at the Hague. Karel and Cateau still do nothing but eat good dinners by themselves. For years and years they have done nothing but eat good meals together. Lord, Lord, what a disgusting pair to find their pleasure in that! . . . Saetzema and Adolphine: that's a sad case; you people have been very kind to Marietje. . . . Otto and Frances have a heap of children now and that good Louise looks after them, while Frances makes a scene one day and embraces her the next