His Views and Principles
dangerous one, and I believe it would be as well if I "charted" it once for all, so that you and those who think with you may avoid the peril for the future. The rock in question is this: you and indeed many excellent people have, I think, some vague and ill-defined idea to the effect that Licence, misnamed Toleration, is, or should be, one of the special marks of Liberals and Protestants. I do not quite know how this idea originated, possibly from such phrases as "the intolerance of Rome," "the tyranny of kings and nobles," which are often used, and very properly used, by Liberals and Evangelical writers. Of course, all kings and nobles are tyrants, and cruel tyrants to boot; but you surely would not have their opponents, the oppressed people, endeavour to govern by the methods of the jelly fish? We know that the Czar of Russia and the bureaucrats are remorseless tyrants, guilty of the most infamous cruelties; but do you suggest that their miserable victims should throw bombs charged with rosewater?