Page:Dramas 1.pdf/11

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SCENE I.The Sea Shore after a Storm, with the Masts of a wrecked Vessel seen above the Water at a Distance, and Casks and various Chests, Boards, &c. floating on the Waves. Enter shipwrecked Mariners and Passengers, followed by Sebastian, who keeps apart from the others.


Well, sirs! to tread on firm dry earth again

Makes the heart glad and thankful.


And with good cause;

For a dry grave at home is, after all,
The secret wish and prayer of every seaman,
Ay, even the boldest of us.
None hath so long or roughly lived at sea
As to be careless where his bones are laid,—
In sacred ground, or in the gulphy deep.
And thou, too, think'st so, if I read thee right.
(To Second Passenger.)