Page:Dramas 1.pdf/114

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Hold, hold till then! (To Domestic.) Where were they? near the castle?


No; in the beechen grove beyond the chapel,

To which we did suspect their steps were bent,
Taking, no doubt, that further winding path
The better to avoid detection.—See,
There's light now faintly peering from its window.

They must be there already. (To Guzman.) Look, Don Guzman!


I do; it vanishes and re-appears,

And vanishes again, and all is dark.


Yes; all shall soon be dark:

That flame of guilt, those glow-worms of the night,
That bright deceitful sheen of foul corruption,
Shall be extinct, trod out, earth bray'd with earth.
Which of these paths leads to th' accursed spot?

(Rushing into a path, and then turning back and taking another.) I am bewilder'd! this will lead me right.[Exit.


We must pursue his steps, and try, if possible,

To keep his unrein'd ire from desp'rate acts.