Page:Dramas 1.pdf/126

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The bane of love so bless'd! Draw, wretched man,
I've sworn an oath, which I will sacred hold,
That when Sebastian and myself should meet,
He should to royal justice be deliver'd,
Or, failing that, one of the twain should die.
(Drawing his sword fiercely upon him).

GUZMAN (holding him back).

Hold, madman, hold! thy rage is cruel, monstrous,

Outraging holy nature.

ROMIERO (breaking from him).

Off! think'st thou to restrain or bind despair

With petty strength like thine?—Proud rebel, draw.
I am thy daughter's murderer, and thou
Destroyer of us both.


Yes, Don Romiero, we are match'd in ruin,

And we will fight for that which cures despair.

He who shall gain it is the conqueror. (They fight, each exposing himself rather than attacking his adversary.)


No; to't in earnest, if thou would'st not have me

Deliver thee a felon to the law.