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Mrs. Smoothly's Room. She enters speaking, and taking a Bandbox from a Servant, who immediately retires.


All nonsense! if you had waited for it last night at the waggoner's, you would have got it. (Alone.) 'T is well it comes at last: my lady's present bonnet will surely fall to my share now. (Opening the box.) Let me see. O how smart and pretty! Did it but fall to my lot, now, to wear such things with their best new face upon them! (Going to the glass, and putting the bonnet on her head, and then courtesying to herself affectedly.) Indeed, I beg ten thousand pardons: I thought for to have come for to ride in the park with you earlier; but my Lord,—Sir John, (ay, that will do) would not allow me; for you know I have not always command of my own horses, and them things we married ladies must submit to. O lud, lud! will it ever come to this? Such fine clothes, such a carriage, such a husband some girls have got, who are not, I'm sure, half so handsome.

Enter Smitchenstault softly behind her, and looks over her shoulders.

O mercy on me! (Shrieking out.)