Page:Dramas 1.pdf/20

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And he who lingers yonder 'midst the bushes,
Is one we found at sea, some leagues from shore.
We know not what he is.


Why keeps he thus aloof? Call to him, friend.

FIRST MARINER (calling off the Stage).

Ho! there; come this way, sir; the lady calls ye.


He has a noble air, though coarsely clad.

How is it that he moves so tardily?


He's wayward, lady; neither moves nor speaks

Like other men.


Nay, do not speak so harshly

Of one so circumstanced; your fellow-sufferer.

(Enter Sebastian, bending his head, and keeping his eyes fixed on the ground.)

Good stranger, be assured you're welcome here,

And be not so desponding.
(He bows in silence, and she seems agitated.)
(To the Mariners, &c.) Pass on, my friends; this lady will conduct you.
Wilt thou, my Beatrice, do this kind office?
And I will follow shortly. Tell my people
To serve these shipwrecked strangers bountifully.

MARINERS, &c. (speaking all together).

God bless your liberal heart, my noble lady!

[Exeunt all but Zor. and Seb.