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wood remain in the forest, and I'll be hanged if he would not plant all my smooth shaven slopes with potatoes.


Let him plant them with nettles and wormwood, an he will.


Your servant, Sir: I beg pardon; I intrude, I find.—(Aside, as he retires.) There are nettles and wormwood planted somewhere, that I was not aware of.[Exit.

CHARVILLE (alone, pacing up and down in a perturbed manner).

Ay, ay, it is very plain, it is too plain, it is shamefully plain. (Stopping short.) Mighty fond of this residence of a sudden. To be sure, where will she find another house so convenient, with back stairs, and panelled doors, and haunted chambers, and so many cursed conveniences? (After pacing up and down as before.) Because I did not find him, I did not see what was before my face as plainly as my hand, and, forsooth, it was Smitchenstault. O woman, woman! thy mysteries of cunning and contrivance! thou would'st deceive man as the evil one deceives thee. But it shall not be.—What can I do? This torment of my mind; this disgrace on my state I can disclose to no one. This cursed world is no place for a man like me to