Page:Dramas 1.pdf/24

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Has often rack'd my mind with many doubts,
Recoiling thoughts, and feelings of remorse.


Ha! that indeed had been a fearful consequence,

Had your concerted enterprise succeeded.
But speak not now of this. How did you fail?


Amongst our number, one accursed traitor

Like Judas lurk'd, and to the royal ear
Divulged the whole.—But we were warn'd of this,
And fled, each as he might. I gain'd the coast,
And lay disguised till I could find a boat,
In which I reach'd last night that founder'd bark,
Whose slender mast just peeps above the surge
Like some black wizard's wand, token of ill.


No, not of ill, dear father, but of good.

'Tis Heaven hath sent thee here.
My Lord did write to me some distant hints
Of your sad story. When he shall return,
He will protect you. Cherish'd here with us,
You shall in secret live, till fair occasion
Shall offer to convey you where you would,—
Some land of safety.


Thy Lord's return! no no! beware of that!

He may not be my friend.—Nay, it is said
That he and others, from their kindred ties