Page:Dramas 1.pdf/264

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Played with thee, sung with thee, built thy first bower,
Where thou, his mimic mistress, kept thy state,
Screen'd from the mid-day sun, when he, the while,
Still pleased thee, as thou lent'st thine eager ear,
With tales of wonderment and tales of love?
All claims but his! O say not so, sweet Mencia!
Let me implore thee on my bended knee.


Hush! rise! we are observed; this spot is now

Traversed by busy feet, in preparation
For a gay feast to-night, held at the castle,
In honour of Henriquez' safe return.
Leave me, I pray!


By unfrequented paths,

Through rugged wilds I've travelled many a league:
Three irksome days and nights in that deep grove.
The ruin of an ancient sepulchre.
Like some unhallow'd spirit, I have haunted
To watch a lucky moment when thy steps
Should lead thee near the place; and having found thee,
Think'st thou to cast me off with fev'rish haste,
As thou wouldst shake an adder from thy robe?