Page:Dramas 1.pdf/280

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And fear not but it will. These pageantries

Give to the even bliss of wedded love
A varied vivifying power, which else
Might die of very sloth. And for myself,
My love for him, returning from the wars,
Blazon'd with honours, as he now returns,
Is livelier, happier, and, methinks, more ardent,
Than when we first were married. Be assured
All things will favour thee, if thou hast spirit
To think it so shall be. Thou shak'st thy head.
It is not reason, but thy humble wishes,
Thy low ignoble passion that deceives thee,
And conjures up those fears. Weak, wav'ring girl!
Art thou not bound?


Weakness in yielding to your will, indeed,

Has fetter'd me with bands my heart disowns.


Fy! say not so. Hush! let not that sad face

O'ercloud the joy my gen'rous lord will feel
When he discovers what we have conceal'd,
With playful art, to make his joy the keener.
Hush! here comes Bias again.

Enter Blas.

How is my Lord?

Will he not see me now?