Page:Dramas 1.pdf/288

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You have done well; and I should grace it too,

Who was the greatest gainer by his absence,
When he with brave companions like himself
Against the Moors did for the state good service,
As Alcantara, by their valour won,
And now a noble hold for Christian knights,
Can nobly testify.
I speak not of the Navas de Tolosa,
Where he upon that memorable day
Broke through the Moslem chain of armed guards,
Changing their strength to slaughter and dismay:
We are too apt to speak of recent services.
Former or recent, would I could repay them!


Your bounty has already done it nobly.


Fy, fy! a trifle; what would scarce maintain

A rustic lord, who dozes life away
In his porch'd hall, where hawks wink on the perch,
And hounds lie sleeping round him. Take this ring,
My royal father wore it many a day;
And whatsoe'er thou shalt request of me,
Returning to my hand this pledge again,
It shall be granted, were it half the realm.