Page:Dramas 1.pdf/313

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LEONORA (alarmed).

Most strange! some thought—some dark imagination

Has work'd him to this frenzy.—Tell me truly
Where his suspicions rest: for he has spoken
Words which thou would'st conceal. Spoke he in hints?
O tell me all!—He did not name Henriquez?


No; by the noble house of Altavera,

Had he so done, that word had been his last.
Diego Furnez, aged as he is,
Had ne'er stood by with rapier by his side
To hear his master's honour rudely stain'd
With horrid imputation.


Hush! speak low.

I meant not that: a thing too wild and frightful
Even for a hasty thought.—But does he know
A lurking stranger in the wood was found,
With scared and hasty fear, confessing guilt?

(Mencia, entering behind them, and listening to the last words, rushes forward in great alarm.)


Confessing guilt! O trust not his confession!

Believe not what he says! a frenzied dream!
For mercy's sake, my sister! O, for mercy!