Page:Dramas 1.pdf/315

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(Gladly to Diego.) Now it is clear: it is a blest relief!
My good Diego, faithful, kind, old friend;
Even for the love which thou dost bear thy lord,
I call thee friend;—it is a blest relief. (Taking his hand.) It comes upon my heart,—a loaded heart,
That was with horror press'd, and brings these tears.


God bless you, lady! Had I sooner known

The steady truth and kindness of your nature,
It had been well, for I have been perverse;
But henceforth I will curb all wayward thoughts,
And honour you as Don Henriquez's wife,
And worthy so to be.


Cease, friend; all thy perverseness is forgotten.

Enter Carlos.

In a good time thou comest, my noble friend.


How's this? Strange joy has lightened up your eyes,

Unsuited to these hours of sable sadness.


We have discovered Juen's murderer.