Page:Dramas 1.pdf/317

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To sing a nightly requiem for the dead,
Who, in the vault beneath, his first still night
Of the grave's rest doth pass.
But we'll postpone these rites till we have done
What must not be delayed.


Ay; let us lose no time.[Exeunt.


The burying Vault of the Castle, with Monuments of the Dead; and near the Front of the Stage; a new covered Grave, seen by the Light of a Lamp placed on a neighbouring Tomb, the Stage being otherwise dark. A solemn Requiem for the Dead is heard at a distance, sounding from above. As it draws to a close, Henriquez appears at the further End of the Vault with a Light in his Hand, which he holds out from him, as if in search of some Object, and, seeing the Grave, casts the Light from his Hand, and rushes towards it.

HENRIQUEZ (after gazing some time on the grave).

And here thou liest with all thy noble parts,

Thy lofty, liberal soul, and goodly form,
And heart of love so thorough and so true!
This is thy rest, the meed and recompense