Page:Dramas 1.pdf/32

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Which, as my mother, Heaven rest her soul,
Was wont to say———


Excuse me now, good Pietro;

I'll stay and hear it all another time;
I am in haste.[Exit.

PIETRO (looking after him with displeasure).

He too in haste! That light and heedless youth,

Full of their youthful sports, should be impatient
When sober serious men begin to speak,
Is nothing marv'llous; it was always so.
But now the evil still goes on increasing,
And men of middle age and understanding
Are ev'n as light and foolish as the young.
An evil sign, I trow, of evil times.
Should it go on increasing, by my certes!
Ere I have spoken half a sentence, off
Each foolish varlet I address will run,
And leave me most discourteously to find,
As it may chance, another auditor
For the remaining half.—O foolish times!
Foolish and evil too![Exit.