Page:Dramas 1.pdf/325

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Misfortune thanks! Thou hast done more for me

Than the devoted care of many years.
Come, then, defy the world to sever us,
My generous Mencia; I am innocent.


Ha! dost thou say it? Said'st thou innocent?

And say'st thou truly so? Hast thou not done it?
Is it no mockery of joy? O no!
That look, that smile! Yes, thou art innocent;
And, Heaven be praised, thou art.


I am, indeed, of Juen's death most innocent.

And though some circumstances do at present
Accuse me strongly, yet, I trust in Heaven,
That on my trial so it will appear.


Nay; do not trust. O no! for Don Henriquez,

Made savage by despair, will have a victim,
And catch with eagerness at every proof,
How slight soe'er it be. Fly; quickly fly,
And I will follow thee and share thy fortune,
Or be it good or ill.


O blessed words! my dear, my gen'rous love!