Page:Dramas 1.pdf/331

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Ha! Cast an accusation on mine honour!


No, Don Henriquez; with a friendly wish

To do me service cam'st thou here, and sacred
Is all that thou in privacy hast done
Or utter'd. Yea; though thou shouldst now confess
That thou thyself were Juen's murderer
(Start not, these are but words of argument);
Yea; ev'n supposing this, and that my rescue
From the uplifted axe depended on it.
Yet would I not betray thee.

HENRIQUEZ (turning away haughtily).

Thou art incorrigible: take thy will. (Returning and laying down a key.)
I leave thee this; thou wilt consider of it.

Say, is there aught that thou wouldst have me do?


Send me a priest. Though only such transgressions

As youthful folly prompts rest on my mind,
Yet would my soul, shrived by some holy man,
His ghostly counsel take, and be at peace.


And be at peace! Ay, ghostly counsel may

To such as thou give peace. O could it also——