Page:Dramas 1.pdf/335

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And show its secrets to the searching light.
But as I learn you have secured the murderer,
I am content; here ends my brief commission.
I pray you lead me to the prison-house:
I burn to see the wretch.


Come, follow me.



A Chapel. Henriquez discovered on his Knees by the Confessional, the Friar bending over him, and muttering Words in a low Voice.

FRIAR (aloud).

Rise, son, in humble but assured faith

Repentance, and these penances endured,
Will gain from heavenly grace full absolution
Of this most guilty deed—of all thy sins.

Rise, and be comforted. (Raising him, and leading him forward.) Be comforted!
The worst of sinners league not with despair,

But by their own untoward disbelief,
The greatest sin of all. Thou smit'st thy breast.
And shak'st thy drooping head: thou must not doubt.