Page:Dramas 1.pdf/353

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Did clearly pass; pass and return again,
And strongly plead for him, and were rejected.


Go to! thou hast a wild imagination,

Which has o'erreach'd thy judgment.—Set me free.
The public weal requires thy service: oaths
Adverse to this do not, and should not, bind.


There are within your kingdom many chiefs

Who may do better service to the state,
Though not with better will than I have done;
(Laying his sword at the King's feet.)
Here do I part with ensigns, arms, and war;
Nor soldier's brand, nor baton of command,
This hand accursed shall ever grasp again.
Your Highness by the honour of a prince
Stands bound to me in this, and you are bound.


Ay, if it needs must be, determined spirit.

Yet, think again; be it a while deferr'd,
This dismal trial, for a month—a year,


Not for a day.


Thou art too boldly stubborn.

By what authority dost thou oppose it,
If 't is my pleasure it should be deferr'd?