Page:Dramas 1.pdf/355

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Come, friends, till I am summon'd to my trial:
The time is short, and we must husband it. (Going and stopping again.)
I shun not now thy friendly aid, good Carlos;

My heart is lighten'd of its heavy load,
And I can take a good man by the hand,
And feel we are akin.


To all that is most great and admirable

Thou art akin. I have no words to speak
The thoughts I have of thee, thou noble man!

HENRIQUEZ (to Antonio).

And thou, too, gentle youth; give me thy hand.

Thy noble confidence did point to me
The true and honour'd path. For, hadst thou fled,
I might have shrunk aside, and been on earth
A sullen secret thing of wretchedness,
Cursing the light of heaven. Gentle youth,
I've felt the kindly pressure of thy hand,
And all thy gen'rous sympathy: forgive me.
That I did hold thy mind so long in doubt.


O nothing did I doubt that thou did'st know

My innocence, and would protect it; yet,
This noble, terrible act I ne'er divined.
Would I had fled my prison at thy bidding,