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Enter King attended; and Leonora, running to him, casts herself at his feet, embracing his knees.


The Lady Leonora! rise, dear Lady.


No; to your knees I'll cling, nor quit my hold,

Till from your royal pity I obtain
The mercy I implore.—My Lord Henriquez—
Your valiant general—my dear, dear husband—
Say that he shall not die. This execution!
This malefactor's end! O save him! save him!

KING (raising her).

As far as I have power, your suit is granted.


Then he is saved—he lives? Is it not so?


Alas! I would it were. Your Lord refuses

All royal mercy. I have sworn to him
Never to pardon Juen's murderer.
If thou canst move his stubborn spirit, kneel,
And at his feet implore him to release me
From this most fatal oath.


Move him! Alas, alas! this will not be;

I know him well: in what he deems the right,
He is inflexible. But solemn oaths,