Page:Dramas 1.pdf/36

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It is not in thy nature; but distress,
From filial duty, strain'd, perhaps, too far,
Have made thee so. Remain, my love, with me;
Thou wilt forgive me when thou hast consider'd.


I cannot now consider, with a heart

Gored to the quick. I pray you, then, my lord,
Permit me to retire.


I'll lead thee to thy closet: lean on me.

(She waves him off with her hand.)
Wilt thou not deign to do it?

[Exit Zorada, still motioning him not to follow her; (stopping, with clasped hands, in a thoughtful posture, after having paced several times rapidly across the room.)

An absent father and a present husband

I' th' scales are put, and, to all outward seeming,
The last doth kick the beam. Is it for this—
For this that I have given my freedom up,
Drawn every strong affection of my heart
To one dear point?—and this the poor return!
(After a second pause.)
My life in such a perilous circumstance.,
And now restored to her and to my home,
This is of small account. O woman, woman!
One corner of a gallant's passing fancy
Pleaseth thee well; the whole devoted heart
Of man matured is to thee as a yoke,
A cumb'rous weight from which thou would'st escape;