Page:Dramas 1.pdf/368

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HENRIQUEZ (looking upward, and then kneeling with his arms on his breast, and his head bowed to the ground).

I do receive it, Father, most devoutly. (Rising with solemnity.)
Let me be forward in my work, good Father.

I would retire, and give my thoughts to heaven
Ere earthly things shall press to mingle with them.
Come, then, and join thy fervent prayers with mine,
And teach my dying voice to sue for mercy.
[Exit with Friar.

GAOLER (looking after Henriquez).

The right true metal this; 't will bear the furnace.

Ah! who would once have thought that from my custody
He should pass forth to such a death? Heaven doomed it. (Noise and bustle without.)
What noise is that without?—Ho! who would enter?

VOICE (without).

Open; it is the King. (Gaoler opens the door, and enter the King, Carlos, Antonio, and Balthazer.)

KING (to Gaoler).

Where is thy noble charge?


With his confessor, in the private chapel.