Page:Dramas 1.pdf/371

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For many friends, and all his ancient servants,
Forgetting none, he hath made kind provision.
His Lady's dowry is enlarg'd, and Mencia
Receives a noble portion to bestow
Upon her early lover, this good youth,
Whom he hath named with words of special love.

KING (to Antonio, who turns aside to weep).

Weep freely, gentle youth; whom he hath loved

Shall ever in his Prince's favour hold
An honourable place.—Pray thee, proceed.


He hath besides, for good and pious ends,

A large benevolence———


Hush! he approaches.

Re-enter Henriquez and Friar.

KING (advancing to meet him).

My noble friend, I felt a strong desire

Once more—a short intrusion.


Say not so.

Your Grace is come to wish me a good morrow,
And cheer me on this outset of my way.


Alas! a dismal cheer, a woful morrow!