Page:Dramas 1.pdf/377

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But O! far more my bliss! So be content.
I have had many days of prosperous life
Before this storm of misery broke upon me,
Thy love the flower and crown of all. Be comforted.
And Mencia, too, sweet maid, I understand
Thy mute farewell, which I accept. God bless thee!

Antonio, take thy charge. (Putting Mencia's hand in his.)
Heaven bless thee, and farewell, my dearest wife!


Not yet, not yet! my swelling heart will burst.
It tries to utter what it cannot.—Oh! (A bell tolls, and she, giving a loud shriek, falls into the arms of Mencia and Antonio.)


Bear her away; I may not look again. (As she is borne off, the King advances to the front.)


Farewell, thou noble man! Part we in charity?


In charity; and on your royal head

My dying blessing rest![Exit King.
Here comes the Marshal.