Page:Dramas 1.pdf/422

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If then thou feel'st within thee faith assured;
That faith, which may, ev'n through devouring flames,
Its passage hold to heaven, baptismal rites
Shall give thee entrance to a purer life,
Receive thee, as thy Saviour's valiant soldier,
For his high warfare arm'd.


I am resolved, and feel that in my heart

There lives that faith; baptize me ere we part.


So be it then. But yet that holy rite

Must be deferr'd; for, lo! our brethren come,
Bearing the ashes of our honour'd saints,
Which must, with hymns of honour, be received.

Enter Christians, seen advancing slowly along one of the aisles, and hearing a large veiled urn, which they set down near the front. They then lift off the veil and range themselves round it, while one sings and the rest join in the Chorus at the end of each short verse.


Departed brothers, generous brave,
    Who for the faith have died,
    Nor its pure source denied,
Your bodies from devouring flames to save,