Page:Dramas 1.pdf/449

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It is impossible! Cordenius Maro

Is sworn to guard the prisoner; or, failing,
(How could he fail?) to pay with his own life
The forfeit. But behold his fav'rite friend,
The Parthian Prince, who will inform us truly.

Enter Orceres, followed by Sulpicius.

Orceres, is thy friend Cordenius coming?

I have commanded him, and at this hour,
To bring his guarded prisoner to the palace,
Here to remain till the appointed time.


I know not; nor have I beheld Cordenius

Since yesterday; when, at an early hour,
Sulpicius and myself met him by chance:
But for the prisoner, he is at hand,
Ev'n at the palace gate; for as we enter'd
We saw him there, well circled round with guards,
Tho' in the martial throng we saw not Maro.


(To the Pontiff.) Said I not so?

(To an Officer.) Command them instantly
To bring this wordy Grecian to our presence.
[Exit Officer.
Sulpicius, thou hast known this Ethocles;
Is he a madman, or ambitious knave,