Page:Dramas 1.pdf/466

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Lost to the one, and to the other link'd
By horrid sympathy, till his wrench'd nature
Should to a demon's fell and restless spirit
At last be changed.


Alas, alas! and dost thou then believe

That nought remains for thee but death or misery?


No, gentle Portia! firmly I believe

That I shall live in endless happiness,
And with the blest hereafter shall behold
Thy blessed self with ecstasy of love,
Exceeding every thought of earth-born passion,
As the fair morning star in lovely brightness
Excels a night-fly, twinkling through the gloom.
Live in this hope, dear Portia! hold it fast;
And may His blessing rest upon thy head,
Who loves the loving and the innocent!
Farewell, in love and hope! farewell, in peace!
Farewell, in quick'ning faith,—in holy joy!

PORTIA (clasping his knees).

Nay, let me yet conjure thee!

Make me not wretched, I who once was happy,
And happiest of all in loving thee.


This is mine anguish and my suffering!

O, good Sulpicius! bear her to her home.