Page:Dramas 1.pdf/49

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Dear, dear father!


And thou must meet me as a man proscribed:

Child of a parent reft of name and honours,
Bann'd by the church, and by the laws condemn'd
Ev'n to the traitor's death of degradation:
One whom to name were pain and insult to thee;
One now despised of all, forgot, accurst.


O not accurst! for I will bless thee, father,

Though every other tongue should blast thy fame.
O not forgotten! I'll remember thee;
Ay; nightly, daily, hourly, in my thoughts
Shalt thou have place; more cherish'd—more endear'd
For that all hearts besides have shut thee out.
O not despised! for I will honour thee,
And in my pious thoughts, as now in act,
Kneel at thine honour'd feet in faithful duty.


Rise, dearest, kindest, best, mine own Zorada!

Yes, child; thou shalt be all the world to me;
But it must be a faint, ideal world.
I may in dreams, in thought, in musing fancy
Behold thy face, thy form,—may hear thy voice—
But many a league of ocean and of land