Page:Dramas 1.pdf/53

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If thou wilt trust me. (Following her off the stage, and then returning.)

What have I done? What have I seen? No face,

For that was closely cover'd, but the figure,
The robe, the air,—if it be not Zorada,
I am a fool—a purblind, mazy fool,
And do not know my right hand from my left.
What brings her here? Were't any other woman,
It were an easy thing to guess her purpose.
Well, who lives long may see strange things, they say;
And if I needs must give my thoughts the rein,
I'll curb my tongue.[Exit.


SCENE I.An outer Room in the Apartments of Zorada, with a wide Door opening in the Bottom of the Stage, which shows a magnificent Bedchamber, where Romiero is discovered walking to and fro in a distracted manner; he then rushes hastily from it to the Front of the Stage, and bends his ear to listen.


No footstep yet: all 's still: 't is past endurance.

So late! the first night, too, of my return!