Page:Dramas 1.pdf/60

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A half-corrupted woman's poor device.

(Muses and mutters to himself a few moments longer, and then paces up and down with slow irresolute steps.)

——A half corrupted woman!

If it be come to this, who shall restrain
The hateful progress, which as rapidly——
Restrain it! No! to hell's profoundest pit
Let it conduct her, if she hath so far
Debased her once pure mind, and injured me.
I dare not think on 't, yet I am compell'd;
And at the very thought a raging fire
Burns in my head, my heart, through every vein
Of this distracted frame. I'll to the ramparts,
And meet the chilness of the midnight wind;
I cannot rest beneath this hateful roof. [Exit.


An old Gothic Gallery, with Doors leading to different Apartments.

Enter Jerome, carrying a light, and followed by Don Maurice.


I am the first at our appointed place,

Which is beseeming in affairs of love.
I hope, meantime, she is upon the way.
List, dost thou hear a step?