Page:Dramas 1.pdf/86

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As a false faith. I have believed true love
Of such a noble, high, confiding nature,
That neither scandal's breath, nor seeming show
Of fitful change, could shake its gen'rous trust.
'T were agony for me to think thee false;
But till thou front me with a rival—yea,
Till thine own words have own'd that thou art faithless—
I will believe thee true.


Believe, believe it! and on these dear hands,

A thousand times caress'd, let me be vow'd
Ne'er to offend again thy noble nature
With ev'n the slightest movement of suspicion.
Dost thou relent, Zorada? Dost thou love me?


Indeed I do; have I not often said it?

And yet, it seems, thou did'st mistrust my words.


Fy on that gibe! let me have perfect pardon.

ZORADA (embracing him).

Thou art forgiven. Now; art thou satisfied?


I were a Tartar else, or sullen Turk.

Sweet partner, lovely mate, my gentle wife!
O the soft touch of this dear hand thrills through me,
So dear! as dear as when thou first wert mine.