Page:Dramas 1.pdf/91

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Tell him I cannot see him now. To-morrow
I'll find him in his cottage.


But what he has to tell you, please you, Sir,

He bade me further add, is of importance.
And may not be delay'd.


I'll see him, then, since it must needs be so.


An Antechamber.

Enter Pietro and a Domestic.

PIETRO (speaking as he enters).

A blessing on thy simple head! impatient!

I have, good sooth! been wont to speak with him
As though he were my fellow. Much shrewd counsel
He hath received from me right pleasantly.
He looks not grave or proud when poor men speak;
At least I'm sure he was not so inclined
Before he married.

Enter Jerome behind him, and listens archly.

Ay, he knows mankind.
With all their knavish arts; ay, and he knows
I know them also. Bless the day! full often