Page:Dramas 1.pdf/93

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That is to say, I am not school'd or learn'd
As many be, who set great store by it;
But yet, I think, I can, as well as others.
Scent mischief in its covert. Ah, good lack!
This is a wicked world.


I know it well.

Thou'st told me so a thousand times, good Pietro.
What is the matter now? Rehearse it briefly,
And plainly too, my friend: enough of comment
Will follow after. Speak,—what is the matter?


Ay, something is the matter, take my word for 't.

For there be ill enough in this sad world,—
In court and cot, in city and in village.

ROMIERO (interrupting him impatiently).

There is amongst your villagers, I hear,

A person much afflicted.


We were all well, both young and old of us,

When I left home scarce half an hour since. No;
My story is of other matters; villagers
Are not therein concerned, unless it be
As hired emissaries: for, I trow,
No wealthy devil e'er lack'd some poorer imp.
No rich man ever wants——


A truce with proverbs!

What is it thou would'st tell me?