Page:Dramas 1.pdf/99

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Nay; trust not to deceit; for at this moment

Thou hast not o'er thyself as much control
As would deceive the simplest soul on earth.
She will outwit thee; leave the task to me,
And do thou stand aside.—I hear her steps.

Enter Nurse, while Romiero goes behind the arras.

Ha! my good Nurse; thou art a stirring person,

And one of service in this family,
If I mistake it not. How could fair damsels,
And dainty dames, and other tender souls
Endure the thraldom of stern lords and masters,
Brothers, and jealous guardians, and the like,
Were it not for such useful friends as thou?


I know not what you mean by service, Sir;

I serve my mistress honestly and fairly.


And secretly, when it must needs be so.

Do I not know it well, and well approve
Thy wary vigilance? Take this broad piece; (giving gold)
A token of respect for all thy virtues.
Thou art, I know, the agent of Zorada
In all her secret charities: how fares it
With that poor invalid?


What invalid?