Page:Duer Miller--The charm school.djvu/108

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The Charm School

I want you to let her go on with her college preparation. She doesn't need to be taught charm. She has too much already. After a good deal of indecision she has finally formed a determination to go to college, in spite of her grandfather's disapproval. Don't prevent her carrying out that resolve."

"If she has formed a real determination, I couldn't prevent her," said Austin.

Miss Hayes looked him straight in the eyes. "Yes, you could," she answered. "You have done exactly what you intended to do; you have gained a decisive influence over all these girls—particularly over Elise, who is extremely impressionable. In the end she will do exactly what you tell her to do."

The words intoxicated Austin a little. "You don't think I'd tell her anything but what I thought best for her, do you?"

"Oh no, no," said Miss Hayes, desperately, "but I think you don't know. Mr. Bevans, I think you are a very ignorant boy, and you think me an unhuman old maid, and we may both be right. It doesn't matter. The point is Elise. You must consider what you offer her in place of college for the next four years. She isn't to stay here with us. She is to go back and live with her grandfather, where no young person would be

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