Page:Duer Miller--The charm school.djvu/111

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The Charm School

Austin. Of course he supposed that Miss Curtis would arrange for such lessons to be properly chaperoned; but had a man in his position any right to suppose? Didn't he owe it to the girls' parents to be absolutely sure? He closed his roller-top desk and went over to the main building to satisfy himself.

The individual lessons in bookkeeping (open to seniors only) took place in Miss Curtis's study, and she, devoted soul, had just as keen a desire that they should be properly chaperoned as Austin himself had. She greeted George civilly, and asked his name.

"Boyd," said George.

"Ah!" said Miss Curtis. "We have a student of that name."

"The name is not uncommon, I find."

"Shall we call the young ladies alphabetically?" she asked.

Observing that the name of Benedotti stood first on the list, George replied that this seemed to him by far the wisest course to follow.

It was rather disappointing, therefore, to see Miss Curtis return with his own sister, who was very red in the face and showed a dangerous tendency to giggle.

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