Page:Duer Miller--The charm school.djvu/177

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The Charm School

ticket, but then the school was in easy reach of a network of trolleys that opened avenues not only to New York, but to the whole of New England. Miss Curtis had had a series of preposterous inspirations as to what had become of Elise, which, proving ridiculous, overwhelmed her with shame, and yet left her equally credulous when the next idea occurred to her.

Mr. Johns arrived in a state of mind very similar to that of the Queen in Alice in Wonderland, that if something wasn't done about it in less than no time he would have everybody executed all round.

He was ushered into Miss Curtis's little office, where she, Austin, Sally, and George were already assembled. His approaching grunts could be heard before he actually appeared in the doorway, his black derby pushed back, his spring overcoat unbuttoned, and the collar turned up on one side, his gloves and stick in his hand.

"Where's my granddaughter?" he said. Miss Curtis gave a low moan.

The inquiry made Austin angry. "We're trying to find out, Mr. Johns," he said, politely. "Didn't you understand that that was why we telephoned you? She's run away."

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