Page:Duer Miller--The charm school.djvu/192

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The Charm School

Mr, Johns scowled terrifically. "Well, no one ever called me a lamb before," he said.

"No one understands you but me, grandfather darling," said Elise. "Good night," and, kissing him quite against his inclination, she went away.

In the hall she turned ecstatically to Austin. "Isn't it wonderful that grandfather's so pleased?" she said.

Austin hesitated. "Well," he said, "do you feel sure that he—"

"Oh yes, he's delighted—that's his way. Oh, isn't everything in the world perfect?"

At this moment they perceived Miss Hayes was standing near, waiting for them.

"I wanted to explain to you, Mr. Bevans," she said. "We found the will in the school safe to-day. Miss Curtis has had it put away all the time, under the impression it was the inventory. You know, Mrs. Bevans had always told me she meant to leave the school to me."

Austin sighed.

"I don't suppose," he said, "that you will carry out one of my ideas."

"Not one," said Miss Hayes. "All my girls are going to college."

He tried to smile, although in spite of his

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