Page:Duer Miller--The charm school.djvu/45

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The Charm School

should immediately sublimate the emotion into love of their work."

"You would do what?"

"Sublimate their emotion. Not familiar with the works of Freud?"

"Never heard of him."

"Mercy! you've led a sheltered life! Well, in a word, the Freudian theory is that though our lower emotions are always there, trying to sweep us down-stream, if properly understood they may be dammed up and made to run the useful mills of every-day life."

"I don't get it."

"Oh, I'll lend you a book about it, but don't leave it about. But the point is that if any of them should develop a sentiment for me, she'd work all the harder."

"I see," said Johns. "Pass her college entrance to please you, if not to please her parents."

"College," cried Austin. "I shall not allow my girls to go to college."

"The Bevans School has always made a specialty of college examinations," said Mr. Johns.

"Why, how did you know that?"

"No matter. Some girls are very intellectually ambitious."

[ 27 ]