Page:Durgesa Nandini.djvu/189

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The Prince went to the interior with the person. There he saw that the light was really flickering, about to sink into eternal night. Round the dying man thronged Osman, Aesha, his youthful sons, the partner of his fortunes, his mistresses, servants, courtiers, &c. The air was filled with wailing and lamentation; loudly wept almost every one of that crowd; the infants wept without understanding what the matter was; all were crying aloud save one. It was Aesha. Tears were trickling down her cheeks plentifully. She sat silent, holding in her lap the head of her father.

Jaga?t Singha saw that? her manner was awfully calm, like a flame unfanned by the lightest breath of air.

As the Prince entered, a courtier named Khwaja took hold of his hand, and brought him? to? t?he side of Kat?lu Khan.

Ad?dress?i?ng him as if he had been a deaf person, the courtier said,

"The Princ?e ?Jagat Singha is come."

"Your enemy, I die." s?aid he faintly; ?"resign? all anger and enmity."

"Very ?well," said Jagat Singha, understanding him; "I do so now."

"A request—promise," said Katlu Khan, in the same tone.

"What shall I promise?" aske?d Jagat Singh?a.

"Your hand," said Katlu Khan.

Understanding his intention, Osman ?took Jagat Singha's hand and placed Katlu Khan's in ?it.

A fire spread over Jagat Singha's body, but he did not prevent the action.

Katlu Khan went on,