Act No. 23 of 1911.
regulations to add to, annul, alter, enlarge, and improve any of the laws, rules or regulations then and theretofore obtaining and in, force; provided that any law, rule or regulation of the said Synod or General Assembly repugnant to or inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Act shall be null and void.
11. For the purposes of this Act the following terms shall have the meanings herein respectively assigned thereto, save as may be otherwise required by the context:―
12. This Act shall come into force on promulgation thereof in the Gazette, and the union thereby contemplated and the united church thereby provided for shall come into being and take effect and be of force and be legally recognized for all purposes on and after the proclamation by the Governor-General hereinbefore in section three referred to.
13. This Act may be cited as the Dutch Reformed Churches Union Act, 1911.