Page:Duty and Inclination 1.pdf/75

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Thus embarrassed and nearly insensible of his actions, he re-mounted his horse, and rode immediately back to the Villa; the design most prevailing over his mind beings to throw himself at the feet of her he loved, and by the most impassioned and persuasive eloquence try to soften the reserve, which he felt convinced could not be natural to her, it being inconsistent with that sensibility, those acute feelings, her every word, look and action so plainly manifested she possessed. He would awaken her tenderness, the susceptibility of her age, those warm affections nature had implanted within her, and in which she seemed formed to indulge. Upon further considerations, how impracticable appeared this scheme! How could it be possible for him to obtain a private interview with Rosilia? she never went anywhere unattended by some part of the family, and whenever of late he had called at the Villa, she had either remained in privacy, or else tortured and distracted him by the cruel distance she perseveringly maintained. Under the intrusion of these ideas, he slackened his pace, whilst he reflected whether there might be any chance of succeeding should he come openly forward, and at once declare his passion to her parents, state to them his circumstances, and the extreme urgency